Onsen Set project @Nakagawa Mokkougei in New York Time Style Magazine : T Japan

New website : loma.paris !!!

Urban Floe installed in Paris!
Urban refreshing system exploiting the underground cold network of the City of Paris, developed by Climespace (ENGIE). Microperforated granite and solar energy wind blowing. First installation at the Palais de Tokyo, Paris, in August 2019.
Concept and design by Loma Paris (Johan Brunel & Nicolas Omet), engineering with Elioth – EGIS concept.

21 Croix-Rouge has opened !
21 Croix-Rouge, the collaborative workplace 2.0 within the headquarters of the French Red Cross, opened on June 21, 2019.
Design & Architecture by LOMA, aka Nicolas Omet & Johan Brunel.
Picture : Bonnefrite, graphic artist-painter, in full pictorial increase of the Accelerator of Social Innovation.

VYU, a bath with a view
VYU, by Johan Brunel & Nicolas Omet, is coming…
Please contact us for more info.

Seikado, Nuit blanche Kyoto
Exhibition of a piece in collaboration with Shuji Nakagawa and Seikado, for the Nuit Blanche Kyoto 2018. “The art of buckets to refresh”

Johan Brunel was the guest of Futurescape, radio broadcast by Kundo Koyama and Maki yanai. About common bathing for the future.

Talk in Kyoto
Johan Brunel is the guest of the talk “Franco-Japanese Collaborations” organized by the City of Kyoto and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. With Yoshiaki Shiokawa, CEO of Maison Wa, and Shuji Nakagawa, Wood-craft Master.
At the ANA Crowne Plaza Hotel, Kyoto.
More info

Villa Kujoyama, residency research
As a designer engaged in the search of solace more than comfort alone, Johan Brunel has been pursuing the study of « things that feel good ». Resident at the Villa Kujoyama from January to June 2018, he is interested in what happens during communal bathing (sento, onsen) and he wants to transmit its qualities in other contexts. He collaborates especially with the cooper artist Shuji Nakagawa on the creation of new bathroom objects. He seeks to gather the conditions of a great collective and inter-cultural contemporary baths project .
2018 年の一月から六月まで、京都のヴィラ九 条山でのレジデンス滞在を通して、日本にお ける“元気づけてくれるモノ”のデザインの 探求に取り組んでいるフィンランド系フラン ス人デザイナーです。その手始めとして、入 浴のひと時に欠かせないバス用品の製作を進 めています。彼は、木製のアーティスト、中川修司と共同して、新しいバスルームのオブジェクトの作成に取り組んでいます。彼は、偉大な集団的、異文化的な現代風呂プロジェクトの条件を集めようとしている。

MC93, National Theater in Bobigny, France
May 22, 2017: pre-opening of the Bobigny MC93, redesigned to be, on a public and inter-community scale, both a place of life, a tool for work and cultural dissemination. Johan Brunel designed the furniture in the hall and the restaurant, made in collaboration with the carpenter Joe Kendall, the MC93’s decoration workshops, the Compagnons du devoir and the Hermès foundation.
photo Clément Guillaume

Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris
December 2017 – Delivery of three artist studios at the Cité Internationale des Arts, in the 1st district of Paris.
Design by Pauline Gaudry (Wy-to architects) and Johan Brunel, in the aim to provide a particularly stimulating living and working environment for artists in residence.
Johan Brunel on France Culture radio
Johan Brunel, guest of Une vie d’artiste, radio broadcast by Aurélie Charon on France Culture.
Talks about his research around comfort and contemporary refuges.
Listen radio broadcast in french.

Nomadic Laboratory in progress
Nomadic Laboratory Monteneri installation in progress, Valentano, Italy